

Your future is not what lies ahead of you, but what lies within you.

Potential is everything you can be but haven’t become yet. It is everything you can do but haven’t done yet. It’s everywhere you can go but haven’t gone yet. Potential is the books you can write that you haven’t written yet. It is the life you’ve wanted to live but haven’t lived yet. It is like a huge engine— running idle. It is energy still underutilized, power yet unleashed, and strength yet unused.
– Wayne Cordeiro

This is best illustrated in our lack of willingness to believe what the bible says about us – believing our circumstances somehow seems more credible. Could this seem easier simply because it is what everyone around us thinks is true? Perhaps it is time to remind ourselves of the call of God on our lives – what God’s plans for us are. Can you remember the day when you realised that God loved you? Do you remember what it was like to realise that God had not only removed your sins, but given you the promise of a future in Him – an exciting one. Can you remember when you realised that God’s plans for you would take you where you never imagined you would go, that even though His plans involved great risk, they included great reward? Can you remember the excitement you felt when you realised that God was serious about you and about His plans for you?

Psalm 119:57-64
The Message (MSG)
Because you have satisfied me, God, I promise
    to do everything you say.
I beg you from the bottom of my heart: smile,
    be gracious to me just as you promised.
When I took a long, careful look at your ways,
    I got my feet back on the trail you blazed.
I was up at once, didn’t drag my feet,
    was quick to follow your orders.
The wicked hemmed me in—there was no way out—
    but not for a minute did I forget your plan for me.
I get up in the middle of the night to thank you;
    your decisions are so right, so true—I can’t wait till morning!
I’m a friend and companion of all who fear you,
    of those committed to living by your rules.
Your love, God, fills the earth!
    Train me to live by your counsel.

Reminding myself of what God has done for me and in me has stirred something in me once again. I have been reminded that the potential God has placed in me is still there, and I am excited to see what God is going to to with it as I allow Him to shape it as I surrender to Him. Will you let God remind you of the potential within you?

See also Power is not enough and The picture God has given you

Scripture references from http://www.biblegateway.com

Image source: Steven Vermeulen

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